Cambridge Postgraduate Medical Centre

Cambridge GPSTR Programme - Rotations

Cambridge GPSTR Rotations.

Our programme has a mix of rotations. Successful applicants will be able to rank their preferences from one of the available rotations within the Cambridge area. Please note that some hospital rotations include posts at either Addenbrookes Hospital (Cambridge) or Hinchingbrooke Hospital (Huntingdon) or both, depending on the rotation and the availability at that time.

Please note: successful applicants ranking their preferences for rotations to start August 2024, are subject to change due to varying availability in each specialty as confirmed by the Training Programme Directors.

The training model allows each trainee to experience more than one practice during their training. As ST1 You may be allocated to a training practice for your first 6 months working in a GP post and then you may have the opportunity to choose a different practice for the rest of your GP training in ST2/3 (depending on your rotation and practice availability).

Note: the order in which each trainee will be going through the different posts on their rotation will vary - some will begin their training in GP, some in hospital posts.


Here are the rules:

  • A GPST is contracted to work 10 sessions per week
  • The EWTD requirements must be met.
  • After an OOH shift, the trainee must be allowed 11 hours rest before returning to work.

The breakdown of the 10 sessions is as follows:

  • 7 clinical sessions
  • 1 protected tutorial/ teaching time in practice
  • 1 protected session for teaching on the local Programme (Half day release)
  • 1 session for private study (can be in the practice for audit for example)

This information has been taken from the Health Education East of England website. Please click here to find out more about what you can expect from your induction and your proposed clinical timetable.

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