Cambridge Postgraduate Medical Centre

Life Support Courses

Cambridge Post Graduate Medical Education Life Support Courses 2025

Advanced Trauma Life Support course (ATLS)  

Applications are welcomed from all doctors who are at a grade of FY2 or above.

Places are not allocated on a first come, first served basis. All applications will be reviewed after the closing date and candidates will be selected. Please note, places are only confirmed after payment has been received. 


  • Monday 3rd March 2025 - COURSE FULL

Reverification course can be taken only within six months of provider status expiry.


Advanced Life Support Course (ALS)

This is a 2-day face-to-face course.

Advanced Life Support e-learning (E-ALS)

The e-ALS course comprises 1-day e-learning and 1-day face-to-face. If you need to recertify you can attend the e-ALS.

Advanced Paediatric Life Support Course (APLS)

  • Monday 9 & Tuesday 10 June - COURSE FULL
  • Thursday 6th Friday 7th November - BOOKING NOW OPEN

European Paediatric Life Support Course (EPALS) 

  • Thursday 20 Friday 21 March - COURSE FULL
  • Monday 6 Tuesday 7 October - BOOKING NOW OPEN

Generic Instructor Course (GIC)

The Generic Instructor Course (GIC) is a standardised national course teaching the principles of adult learning and is a joint collaboration between the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG). A revised course including an e-learning component was launched in 2014.

Who is eligible to attend this course?
Only candidates who have been recommended as having instructor potential (IP) from their provider course (e.g. ALS, NLS, APLS, MIMMS) can attend the GIC. The GIC must be undertaken within four years from the date of the provider course.

Learning outcomes- The GIC teaches the knowledge and skills required to:

  • understand the nature of teaching and learning;
  • understand the needs of individual learners;
  • understand the awareness of the four domains of learning;
  • undertake the various types of teaching sessions on the provider courses.

The course is the equivalent to a 3-day course, one day of which consists of a number of eLearning modules which must be completed prior to the two day face-to-face element of the course.

The course programme consists of lectures, workshops, skill stations and teaching simulations.

For Queries on our life support courses please contact:

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