Cambridge Postgraduate Medical Centre

ALERT Course

Upcoming Courses

The upcoming courses for ALERT:


The ALERT course incorporates interactive seminars, practical demonstrations and role play clinical scenarios during which the candidates are encouraged to reflect on their actions and to consider; What would I do next? An ALERT course manual for pre-course reading, is provided to all attendees.

ALERT logo

Originally developed in 1999 by Professor Gary Smith, and colleagues at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, ALERT is a multi-professional course to train staff in recognising patient deterioration and act appropriately in treating the acutely unwell. The course is usually delivered as a one-day interactive seminar built around practical patient-based scenarios. The day is supported by a comprehensive reference manual and slide presentation.

ALERT uses a structured and prioritised system of patient assessment and management to enable a pre-emptive approach to critical illness. It instructs staff in the recognition of impending clinical deterioration, the management of disordered physiology and other aspects of the delivery of acute care.

ALERT has now run successfully since the beginning of 2000 and has been delivered in over 100 centres in the UK and overseas. The course is :

  • a blended, flexible, learning programme
  • a track record of delivery over the past 10 years
  • multi-disciplinary
  • recognised by several medical royal colleges
  • supported by optional assessments and issuing of formal certificates
  • simple to organise and deliver with no special equipment needed

It is expected that the introduction of the ALERT course will result in specific benefits to patients, their relatives and hospital staff, such as:

  • improvements in the general ward care of patients
  • a reduced number of cardiac arrest calls on general wards
  • earlier, and more appropriate referrals to the intensive care unit
  • fewer re-admissions to the intensive care unit
  • fewer avoidable in-hospital deaths
  • improved decision-making regarding the resuscitation status of patients
  • improved multi-professional teamwork
  • improved communication
  • fewer complaints from patients or their relatives

For information on upcoming ALERT courses please contact Ann Bloomfield (01223 256229)

Taken from course description 12-Nov-14

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