IMT Procedural Skills course 13th February 2025
EoE Surgical Cadaveric Simulation Programme for Higher Surgical Trainees -HPB 17th & 18th February 2025
EoE Surgical Cadaveric Simulation Programme for Higher Surgical Trainees -Transplant 27th February 2025
SAS - Resilience and Wellbeing - SAS Doctors, LEDs Doctors in Training 27.02.25
Paediatrics Mental Health Simulation Course- Face to Face- Addenbrookes 28th February 2025
Advanced Trauma Life Support (R-ATLS) Reverification Programme - Monday 3rd March 2025
E-ALS Advanced Life Support E-Learning - 4th March 2025 FY1 CUH TRAINEES ONLY
E-ALS Advanced Life Support E-Learning - Tuesday 4th March 2025