Cambridge Postgraduate Medical Centre
Course Full

Simulation: Paediatric MAGIC (Managing Ill Children) // 09 January 2025

Dates: Thu 9th Jan
Venue: Addenbrooke's Hospital
Course price: £180.00
Course Administrator:
Jana Barnard

This course is a development in paediatric simulation teaching at the Addenbrooke's Simulation Centre. Paediatrics is an ideal field for simulation and with the advancement in technology, high fidelity manikins are now in use. Multidisciplinary faculty from acute paediatric specialties act as faculty for the day.

The course covers a wide range of paediatric emergency situations, teaching both clinical skills and management strategies in a simulated environment with multi-specialist scenarios.

The course includes:

Introduction to the simulated environment

Exposure to simulated paediatric emergencies

Debrief/feedback sessions

A full-day course designed for paediatric trainees, recommended to be taken once during ST1-4 and again during ST5-8.

Numbers are limited to 8 candidates per course.

This course is free to East of England trainees and £180 for external delegates, however priority is given to East to England trainees.

If you are an external delegate interested in attending, please in the first instance contact Jana Barnard, Course Administrator on